Account Keys in SAP Pricing Procedure are essential components of the pricing procedure. They are used to determine the type of account posting during sales processing. Let’s break this down into simpler terms to understand the role of account keys in pricing procedures.
Role of Account Keys in SAP Pricing Procedure
In SAP SD, a pricing procedure is a method that defines how to calculate the price for goods and services. It includes various elements such as the base price, discounts, taxes, and surcharges. Each element in the pricing procedure can be assigned an account key.
Account Keys in SAP Pricing Procedure
An account key is an indicator that specifies the type of account to which a condition type (like a discount or tax) should post an amount during billing. Account keys connect the pricing procedure in SD with financial postings in the General Ledger (GL).
Example of Account Keys
In the provided screenshot, you can see several account keys:
- ERL (Revenue): This key is typically associated with the sale price of a product and results in a posting to a revenue account.
- ERS (Sales Deductions): This key may be associated with various types of discounts or deductions like quantity discounts, weight discounts, or cash discounts. It decreases the revenue and posts amounts to deduction accounts.
- MWS (Taxes on Sales/Purchases): This key is associated with taxes and will result in postings to tax accounts.
How Account Keys Work
- Price Determination: When you create a sales order, the pricing procedure determines the price components.
- Account Assignment: Each price component has a condition type, which is assigned an account key.
- Financial Postings: During billing, the system uses the account key to decide which GL account to post to. For example, revenue from sales will be posted to a revenue account, while discounts given will post to a deduction account.
If you’re learning about SAP SD, think of account keys like labels on jars. Each jar (GL account) holds a different type of transaction – some for earnings (revenues), some for costs (discounts), and others for government charges (taxes). Account keys ensure that each transaction goes into the right jar, keeping the company’s financials organized.
As an SD consultant, understanding and correctly configuring account keys is crucial for accurate financial reporting and compliance with accounting principles. Always ensure that the account keys in your pricing procedures reflect the financial posting requirements of your business processes.